The Facebook Rabbit Hole

Little did Lewis Carroll know when he wrote ” Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast” how true that was.

Confessions of a Covid Confinement

“Socially distancing wasn’t the problem. Socially connecting was.”

Choices: The Haunting of February

I thought about writing every day for the past month. I was restless with thoughts of what I would write about, more than not reverting to a feeling that it was pointless. I ruminated in the dwelling of the everyday routine – caught between that split second when one emerges from sleep still not fullyContinue reading “Choices: The Haunting of February”

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.

Letting Go

Admittedly, maybe I have been too busy thinking about my own transition – to single dad – to really take time out and see what is changing with my kids.

Leaving Your Old Life Behind

I have been deliberately not thinking about the future lately – or at least my future. I think a lot about my kids’ futures – will divroced parents put them at a disadvantage for establishing healthy relationships themselves? Will the world they inherit be a healthy one, mentally and physically, and be empathetic to theirContinue reading “Leaving Your Old Life Behind”