The Election and Moving On.

I’m done with this election. 100%. Anyone who still doesn’t know who they’re voting for, if they’re voting, is holding out for something that is never going to come. I had a comedy fundraiser last night at a church and as I was heading back getting ready to pick up my son, it dawned onContinue reading “The Election and Moving On.”

The Trump in All of Us

I have had fun at Donald Trump’s expense over the past couple days tweeting about his most recent developments. He has seemed to be immune from any consequence linked to his self-centered arrogance, until now. I have been waiting for this moment like a little puppy waiting for his owner to get home. Sadly. WithoutContinue reading “The Trump in All of Us”

Riding in Cars with Budding Adults

A world of people who feel good about themselves would be a much different place than the one we live in today.

A New Year’s Reflection for all my Trump Supporting Friends and Family

We don’t have to like or even accept it. Understanding is all that is needed. This is my attempt to do so.