Confessions of a Covid Confinement

“Socially distancing wasn’t the problem. Socially connecting was.”

The Trump in All of Us

I have had fun at Donald Trump’s expense over the past couple days tweeting about his most recent developments. He has seemed to be immune from any consequence linked to his self-centered arrogance, until now. I have been waiting for this moment like a little puppy waiting for his owner to get home. Sadly. WithoutContinue reading “The Trump in All of Us”

I’m back (and squishier than before)

“..within each of us lies the ability to be cracked open a bit more regardless of whether we may consciously or unconsciously be willing to be an active participant.”

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.