This is love, yo (a Poem for my kids – but not yet)

I recently posted this to twitter and reposting it in an easier-to-read format. I wrote this about being a dad to two teenagers. Maybe you’ll recognize something familiar. This is love, yo Me on the chair Reading a book With you at the water’s edge It’s ok Pretend I am a stranger Yes, you mayContinue reading “This is love, yo (a Poem for my kids – but not yet)”

I’m back (and squishier than before)

“..within each of us lies the ability to be cracked open a bit more regardless of whether we may consciously or unconsciously be willing to be an active participant.”

Lessons from a Soup Kitchen

Life is a journey for all of us but we have to be willing to open up the entire map (or scroll down the GPS to keep it relevant).

Open Heart (Surgery)

Nothing snaps you out of the self pity associated with job uncertainty, divorce, financial instability and overall restlessness like sitting 175 miles away in your home while you know the person who gave birth to you is on a ventilator while someone rewires her heart.

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…