The Lazy Man’s Guide to Goal Setting for the New Year

Did you wake up an hour earlier to do that run or forgo that cookie after dinner? Yeah, me either. The excitement and prospect of starting anew is so intoxicating…until it comes time to do it. I went to the gym today – not because it was January 2nd, but because it was Wednesday. TheContinue reading “The Lazy Man’s Guide to Goal Setting for the New Year”

Marc’s “Considerations for 2019 if You Want To – Really, It’s Up To You – This Isn’t a Pressure Type of Thing” List

There are a lot of “wrap-up” reviews or “10 things you can do in the New year” type of lists so I am not going to pretend like I have anything more to add that might be valuable to anyone. However, as a final post for 2018, I thought I would write 10 super easyContinue reading “Marc’s “Considerations for 2019 if You Want To – Really, It’s Up To You – This Isn’t a Pressure Type of Thing” List”

Just Another Day

So we are approaching the New Year. I have heard, on numerous occasions this week, “it’s just another day”, which, to be honest, it really is. We can review all the historical reasons why a year is what it is, the calendar, etc. but I’d like to think that it really doesn’t matter. This isContinue reading “Just Another Day”


Every year around this time I have a moment where I think about the thoughts that I have going into the new year. And this time around, all I can say is that my main thought is to not have any. Though completely unrealistic, let me try to explain. I don’t know about you, butContinue reading “2019 & A GIFT RECEIPT TO RETURN MY THOUGHTS”

To Endings: Farewell to 2016

There seems to be a lot of group think that 2016 was generally a crappy year, and from a personal perspective, I can understand it. As I have joked on Twitter – I officially got divorced, had to sell my house and lost a job – and all of that disappointment still didn’t compare toContinue reading “To Endings: Farewell to 2016”