Figuring it out

My son got his first college acceptance yesterday to the University of Pittsburgh. This was a well earned acceptance and he worked for every bit of it. Of course, I am incredibly proud and grateful for all the factors that helped smooth out any bumps – some of them large ones – along the wayContinue reading “Figuring it out”

This is love, yo (a Poem for my kids – but not yet)

I recently posted this to twitter and reposting it in an easier-to-read format. I wrote this about being a dad to two teenagers. Maybe you’ll recognize something familiar. This is love, yo Me on the chair Reading a book With you at the water’s edge It’s ok Pretend I am a stranger Yes, you mayContinue reading “This is love, yo (a Poem for my kids – but not yet)”

Riding in Cars with Budding Adults

A world of people who feel good about themselves would be a much different place than the one we live in today.

I’m back (and squishier than before)

“..within each of us lies the ability to be cracked open a bit more regardless of whether we may consciously or unconsciously be willing to be an active participant.”

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.

Bullying, Looking in the Mirror & Changing Leaves

This “move on” part is the most difficult because this is where we confront our fears and ultimately, bullying is all about intimidation and fear.