Firsts. Lasts. Mother’s Day

One of the themes I have tried to reinforce to my kids over the years is around the lifetime of “firsts” that awaits them. We all have different experiences but I know, for me, I often felt trapped as a teenager – physically and emotionally – with no real understanding of the greater world thatContinue reading “Firsts. Lasts. Mother’s Day”

My Eyes Are Up Here (Thank you very much)

I have had a bad habit when I meet someone and I am hoping to break it this year. Often times, when I first see someone or meet somebody, my eyes divert to the finger on their hand closest to their pinky – you know the one, the “ring” finger. I’ll even check the rightContinue reading “My Eyes Are Up Here (Thank you very much)”

Riding in Cars with Budding Adults

A world of people who feel good about themselves would be a much different place than the one we live in today.

I’m back (and squishier than before)

“..within each of us lies the ability to be cracked open a bit more regardless of whether we may consciously or unconsciously be willing to be an active participant.”

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…