Riding in Cars with Budding Adults

A world of people who feel good about themselves would be a much different place than the one we live in today.

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.

Open Heart (Surgery)

Nothing snaps you out of the self pity associated with job uncertainty, divorce, financial instability and overall restlessness like sitting 175 miles away in your home while you know the person who gave birth to you is on a ventilator while someone rewires her heart.

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…

Letting Go

Admittedly, maybe I have been too busy thinking about my own transition – to single dad – to really take time out and see what is changing with my kids.