Transitions and Shifts

The idea that there could be some sort of cosmic shift occurring, spiritual or otherwise, and that it is not coincidental nor unique to our own experience is a very hopeful idea for me.


I am going to try and start to forgive myself and shed myself of the guilt, shame, anger and fear that can stir the soul and cloud the inner engine that propels us forward.

Rosh Hashanah, Natasha Bedingfield and the Art of Getting Off Your Ass

It is unsettling to have your book just begin and unwritten. For me, at least, it’s more unsettling to be a character in a story you had no part in at all.

The Continuing Tragedy of 9-11

Maybe it is just me but this is a continuing tragedy – not only because of the events of September 11 but also due to the opportunities that we have seemed to overlook to come together and do the hard work.

Letting Go

Admittedly, maybe I have been too busy thinking about my own transition – to single dad – to really take time out and see what is changing with my kids.