Figuring it out

My son got his first college acceptance yesterday to the University of Pittsburgh. This was a well earned acceptance and he worked for every bit of it. Of course, I am incredibly proud and grateful for all the factors that helped smooth out any bumps – some of them large ones – along the wayContinue reading “Figuring it out”

Claiming Your Space

“…we all have a right to claim to be who we are and not just what we do but why we do it.”

The Election and Moving On.

I’m done with this election. 100%. Anyone who still doesn’t know who they’re voting for, if they’re voting, is holding out for something that is never going to come. I had a comedy fundraiser last night at a church and as I was heading back getting ready to pick up my son, it dawned onContinue reading “The Election and Moving On.”

Open Heart (Surgery)

Nothing snaps you out of the self pity associated with job uncertainty, divorce, financial instability and overall restlessness like sitting 175 miles away in your home while you know the person who gave birth to you is on a ventilator while someone rewires her heart.