The Facebook Rabbit Hole

Little did Lewis Carroll know when he wrote ” Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast” how true that was.

Politics, Lawns and Deep Space

There are three things that have been swirling around the brain space today. They all seem pretty innocuous but they all keep dancing around each other as if they belong in some way – like ingredients to a stir-fry or witnesses to a crime that each saw only one part of it. Or it couldContinue reading “Politics, Lawns and Deep Space”

Reflections, the Serenity Prayer & 2016

I have been attempting to write a blog post for the past week or so, thinking it is the right time for reflection as one year closes out and another begins. This is my third attempt and regardless of whether I feel it is worthy or not, I am going to post it, if forContinue reading “Reflections, the Serenity Prayer & 2016”

What I learned from my dentist.

I had a dentist appointment today. I was told “It’ll be an hour – max”. So, three hours and $1000 later (to be paid in installments), I walked out of there with a little more drool than when I came in, a little more difficulty speaking and a little more wisdom.  As an aside, myContinue reading “What I learned from my dentist.”

TOP TEN TOP TEN COMEDY LISTS (or What I did on my summer vacation)

    It is raining (again) here in the Northeast of these great (ok, let’s downgrade that to these “hangin’ in there”) United States of America.  Not sure why but seems like the perfect setting for a Top 10 List. The first that comes to mind is “Top 10 Commercials for Depression Medication” but IContinue reading “TOP TEN TOP TEN COMEDY LISTS (or What I did on my summer vacation)”