My Eyes Are Up Here (Thank you very much)

I have had a bad habit when I meet someone and I am hoping to break it this year. Often times, when I first see someone or meet somebody, my eyes divert to the finger on their hand closest to their pinky – you know the one, the “ring” finger. I’ll even check the rightContinue reading “My Eyes Are Up Here (Thank you very much)”

Losing Custody of My Doodle

Of all the things that was the strangest over the past three years of living through the hell of divorce and separation, it was the cessation of something I have done for as long as I can remember that has struck me the most. I stopped doing it when, now I realize, it probably wouldContinue reading “Losing Custody of My Doodle”

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…