What I learned from my dentist.

I had a dentist appointment today. I was told “It’ll be an hour – max”. So, three hours and $1000 later (to be paid in installments), I walked out of there with a little more drool than when I came in, a little more difficulty speaking and a little more wisdom.  As an aside, myContinue reading “What I learned from my dentist.”

Little Things Mean a Lot (Link to Ryan Singer)

  This is such a great blog post from a comedian who is gaining national traction – Ryan Singer. It is a very humbling perspective and says a lot of the things that are humbling to not only comedians but anyone who is trying something scary, different, new and trying to find their way throughContinue reading “Little Things Mean a Lot (Link to Ryan Singer)”


  You have to wonder what George Carlin would make of the new direction “comedy” is taking. Nowhere is this new product more glaringly on display than weeknights on the Comedy Channel in the 1-2 punch that is The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Everything that is wrong with humor boiled down to oneContinue reading “FEATURE BLOGGER LANCE MANION – WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE DAILY SHOW?”

TOP TEN TOP TEN COMEDY LISTS (or What I did on my summer vacation)

    It is raining (again) here in the Northeast of these great (ok, let’s downgrade that to these “hangin’ in there”) United States of America.  Not sure why but seems like the perfect setting for a Top 10 List. The first that comes to mind is “Top 10 Commercials for Depression Medication” but IContinue reading “TOP TEN TOP TEN COMEDY LISTS (or What I did on my summer vacation)”

Confession #983 – What I learned from Cyndi Lauper

It was only a matter of time until I weaved Cyndi into a blog post. Most of my comedian friends don’t realize what a huge Cyndi Lauper fan I was growing up. Weird, I know. Between the fact that she was prominent in wrestling with Lou Albano, which was a bonding experience for my grandfatherContinue reading “Confession #983 – What I learned from Cyndi Lauper”

Confession #751 – I’m only a 25%.

I recently read a posting on The Nerdist that featured Bill Hick’s Principles of Comedy. I’m only at 25% of them – at best. I am sure you have heard or read many of these before but I think they are so spot-on and appreciate their no-nonsense simplicity. Bill Hick’s says if you can doContinue reading “Confession #751 – I’m only a 25%.”

Confession # 357 – The Epic Fail

So, I am not sure if it is age related or not but in being around a lot of 12 year olds lately (yes, it’s all legal), I have heard the term “Epic Fail” more than I care to recount. I am here to make two confessions. 1. I was not familiar with this termContinue reading “Confession # 357 – The Epic Fail”

CHANGING HATS by Feature Blogger Joan Weisblatt

Frequently, people assume that the skills I developed over 30 years as a lawyer serve me well as a comedian. I would argue that the skills I developed as a lawyer, in certain ways, have impeded my development as a comedian. The one obvious way that my legal experience has helped me is that I’mContinue reading “CHANGING HATS by Feature Blogger Joan Weisblatt”

This is the First Fourth of July for the Rest of Your Life!

    Wow. That’s pretty deep. I like the 4th of July. It’s like Thanksgiving – it usually amounts to  relaxing with friends and family, good food and drink and all without the pressure of guessing what type of gift to buy for someone or several someones. It is not surprising that the meaning ofContinue reading “This is the First Fourth of July for the Rest of Your Life!”