Firsts. Lasts. Mother’s Day

One of the themes I have tried to reinforce to my kids over the years is around the lifetime of “firsts” that awaits them. We all have different experiences but I know, for me, I often felt trapped as a teenager – physically and emotionally – with no real understanding of the greater world thatContinue reading “Firsts. Lasts. Mother’s Day”

Confessions of a Covid Confinement

“Socially distancing wasn’t the problem. Socially connecting was.”

Figuring it out

My son got his first college acceptance yesterday to the University of Pittsburgh. This was a well earned acceptance and he worked for every bit of it. Of course, I am incredibly proud and grateful for all the factors that helped smooth out any bumps – some of them large ones – along the wayContinue reading “Figuring it out”

Denny’s, LinkedIn and Lost Moments

When we review our lives, there are moments that provide meaning to us in ways only we could understand in the broader context of our own personal experience.

Acceptance AKA “What If…”

There is a school of thought or belief that the individual journey we are on is exactly the one we are supposed to be on. It is phrased in many different ways. Perhaps you have heard things such as “it was meant to be” or “it happened for a reason”. I don’t personally subscribe toContinue reading “Acceptance AKA “What If…””

Lessons from a Soup Kitchen

Life is a journey for all of us but we have to be willing to open up the entire map (or scroll down the GPS to keep it relevant).

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…