Tiffany Haddish, the Buddha and Me

You may have heard that the actress/comedian, Tiffany Haddish, had a not-so-great New Year’s Eve a few weeks ago. She bombed on stage. It happens to the best of us. Not long after that happened, I decided to do a longer set at a comedy club largely based off of new material I worked onContinue reading “Tiffany Haddish, the Buddha and Me”

Claiming Your Space

“…we all have a right to claim to be who we are and not just what we do but why we do it.”

The Election and Moving On.

I’m done with this election. 100%. Anyone who still doesn’t know who they’re voting for, if they’re voting, is holding out for something that is never going to come. I had a comedy fundraiser last night at a church and as I was heading back getting ready to pick up my son, it dawned onContinue reading “The Election and Moving On.”

Denny’s, LinkedIn and Lost Moments

When we review our lives, there are moments that provide meaning to us in ways only we could understand in the broader context of our own personal experience.

Naked & Afraid

Go with it. We are all naked and afraid.

Heckling His Way to the Presidency

I have not met one person who supports Donald Trump, not one. Which seems unlikely given the fact that the more vitriol and hate he spews into the system, the more popular he gets. Yet, he is where he is in this circus of an election process. I am all for difference of opinion. InContinue reading “Heckling His Way to the Presidency”