Tune Out and Tune In

I have two pears sitting on my counter. Seeing fruit outside the fridge, in a bowl, a plant near a window, a photo from a trip hung near the piano – these are all signs that things are going to be ok. They are connections to life that exists beyond these four walls – whetherContinue reading “Tune Out and Tune In”

The Election and Moving On.

I’m done with this election. 100%. Anyone who still doesn’t know who they’re voting for, if they’re voting, is holding out for something that is never going to come. I had a comedy fundraiser last night at a church and as I was heading back getting ready to pick up my son, it dawned onContinue reading “The Election and Moving On.”

Denny’s, LinkedIn and Lost Moments

When we review our lives, there are moments that provide meaning to us in ways only we could understand in the broader context of our own personal experience.

Feelings (whoa, whoa, whoa Feelings)

That is what love really is – when you are witnessing those you would die for just being in the moment and embracing the fleeting nature of it all.

Lessons from a Soup Kitchen

Life is a journey for all of us but we have to be willing to open up the entire map (or scroll down the GPS to keep it relevant).

The Kids Who See Me Through

I am a very lucky man because there is nothing more affirming than seeing your own children exhibit behavior that is selfless, resolved and decisive…

Transitions and Shifts

The idea that there could be some sort of cosmic shift occurring, spiritual or otherwise, and that it is not coincidental nor unique to our own experience is a very hopeful idea for me.